Almondsbury Guide to Christmas Lighting
VIEWAs Christmas lighting experts, we know how much people love to decorate their homes at this time of year, but, also appreciate that there can be a bewildering array to choose from – so that’s why we’ve put together this guide – we hope that it helps you make your festivities that much brighter!
Ask The Experts: Landscaping tips
VIEWLandscaping doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. There are plenty of smaller and easier ways to transform your garden into the ideal space. In today’s blog, here are five ways you can start designing your garden with ease.
Ask Almondsbury: Slugs, Bugs, and Pests.
VIEWSlugs are the thorn in the side of every gardener.
But it isn’t just slugs munching your plants. Aphids, ants and other pesky insects are never too far away either. This begs the question; how do you keep pests at bay without using harmful chemicals?
Ask Almondsbury: Basket and Patio Plants
VIEWIf you’re short on space, or you don’t have a garden at all, hanging baskets and patio pots can still give you that essence of a flourishing garden area.
In fact, by working with more limited space and through using each plants’ potential, you can create some truly stunning features to liven even the greyest of areas. Hanging baskets also make fantastic additions to gardens, giving you that height to play with – not forgetting patio plants to spruce up those tired or empty-looking corners.
Choosing Pots For Your Garden
VIEWGardens are becoming increasingly smaller, and most of us are lucky to have a patch of green at all. With patios and balconies replacing larger outdoor spaces, it can put a limit on what you grow.
Yet, at Almondsbury, we have a vast range of pots for all your needs - and, what’s more, with a selection of sizes, you can grow anything from a collection of succulents right up to ornamental trees.